To further facilitate the inclusion of aging / geriatrics-related content in physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education program curricula, APTA Geriatrics is making the following resources available to faculty members, regardless of their membership status:
Physical Therapists as Exercise Experts
Physical Therapists as Exercise Experts with Aging Adults Curriculum Guidelines were developed by the Geriatrics Section Committee on Certified Exercise Expert for Aging Adults (CEEAA)
Included are:
Information on this three course series and the related certification process can be found at this link
JOPTE Special Edition
The Journal of Physical Therapy Education, Issue 2, 2014, is a special issue on education to improve practice for older adults. We are very pleased to share this issue with the members of the APTA Geriatrics. Visit here.
APTA Resources for Educators
The following information and resources are for educators of physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs)
Essential Competencies in the Care of Older Adults
Please find the Academy-produced documents “Essential Competencies In The Care Of Older Adults” for Professional (entry-level) Physical Therapists, Postprofessional (Residency-trained) Physical Therapists, and Physical Therapist Assistants, for use in your program(s).