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Check Out Silver Sneakers: An Evidence-based Fitness Program for Ageing Adults

Aug 6, 2021

Silver Sneakers has been identified by the Center for Disease Control as an evidence-based fitness program for ageing adults that promotes good health through physical activity and socialization. Silver Sneakers provides access to fitness facilities, community exercise classes, and workout videos. Silver Sneakers is a benefit of many Medicare plans. See the attached resource for healthcare providers to use to determine if their patients have Medicare Silver Sneakers benefit and for finding locations in their area

To promote physical activity at home, physical therapists can encourage ageing adults who have Silver Sneakers with their Medicare Plan to log-in and access over 200 On-Demand classes on exercise and nutrition. Silver Sneakers also has a collection of workout videos posted by various instructors on YouTube that are free for all to use. The intensity of these videos varies; many are appropriate for ageing adults with moderate to high levels of fitness. The 10-Minute Sit and Get Fit Workout is a good resource for people with limited ability to do exercise in standing. The 7-Minute Yoga Workout includes slow fluid movements performed in standing with a wide-base of support.

Access the resouce here.