National Council on Aging (NCOA)


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Partnerships -National Council on Aging (NCOA)

NCOA’s mission is to improve the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling. Their goal is to impact the health and economic security of 40 million older adults by 2030, especially women, people of color, LGBTQ+, low-income, and rural individuals

National Council on Aging (NCOA)

APTA Geriatrics convened a taskforce of dedicated members in partnership with the National Council on Aging in March 2019, to work together toward our common missions to optimize the experience of aging and improve the lives of millions of older adults.

The charge of this task force is to:

  • Develop educational materials on how to create and utilize effective partnerships
  • Organize joint co-branded best practice materials for community programs for falls prevention, chronic disease self-management education, and aging well that is directed to older adults, public health officials, and community partners.
  • Promote materials from both organizations on an ongoing basis for the long term benefit of members.
  • To learn more about this initiative contact

Adding Value to Practice:

Evidence-based Health Promotion Programs
Prevalence in the 65+ demographic and examples of evidence-based programs in your community  Click to view

July 2019 GeriNotes Issue
Introduction to Series: Evidence-based Programs and Your Practice: A Foundation for Value-based Care
Part 1: What are Evidence-based Programs and Why Should I Care?  Click to view

September 2019 GeriNotes Issue
Evidence-based Programs and Your Practice A Foundation for Value-Based Care
Part 2: The AGPT-NCOA Task Force  Click to view

November 2019 GeriNotes Issue
Evidence-based Programs and Your Practice A Foundation for Value-Based Care
Part 3: Answers the Question: What do I do if my community does not have access to evidence-based programs?  Click to view

Check out the work of the TF at CSM 2020 in Denver Colorado
Clinical-Community Connections: Effective Strategies for Improved Patient Outcomes

Response to Senate Special Committee on Aging
Want more info on the impact and recommendations for policies related to falls prevention? AGPT, with input from task forces, the BFSIG, and other experts, had the opportunity to provide input to the Senate Special Committee on Aging – Click Here

Fall Prevention Awareness Day Activities

The APTA Geriatrics/NCOA Task Force members are:

  • Tiffany Shubert – Task Force Chair (North Carolina)
  • Jennifer Tripken Ð NCOA Representative (Washington DC)
  • Jennifer Vincenzo Ð BF SIG Chair and NCOA Liaison (Arkansas)
  • Jennifer Brach (Pennsylvania)
  • Patrice Hazan (South Carolina)
  • Colleen Hergott (Georgia)
  • Beth Rohrer (Virginia)
  • Lori Schrodt (North Carolina)
  • Kathy Shirley (Florida)
  • Jennifer Sidelinker (Pennsylvania)